He / Him

As a young gay man, I embarked on a transformative journey from Poland to the UK 23 years ago, determined to carve my own path. Overcoming challenges along the way, I have established myself as a decorating business owner – BestDeco. My story exemplifies the power of resilience and self-acceptance, encouraging others to embrace their true selves and fearlessly pursue their ambitions.

Instagram @bestdeco_decorating 

dIANA isi

They / Them

Being a queer woman, I say queer woman, but I have always considered myself quite gender neutral, constantly fluctuating between masculine and feminine, coming for an Eastern European country, growing up, i didn’t see anyone I could relate to, to even begin understanding my own gender and sexuality. My journey really started at the end of my teens, right here in London, and I’m still embarking on it. Entirely integrated in the queer community and queer music scene in London. I DJ in queer clubs/events and I take part in parades and marches around London and help support my friends and LGBTQIA+ communities in every way I can.

Andrea / Alexia

She / Her or as Siri says ‘Domina’

I have always identified as queer but in some ways never one for labels. Growing up in London in the 1970’s in a traditional Cypriot family I didn’t quite feel like I belonged – the punk subculture was my savoir as it allowed an expression of identity that dared to challenge the norm without declaring queerness. People thought I couldn’t really be queer and have a husband. When I grew up in the late 70’s queer bashing was common, and attitudes were mostly hostile. By the end of the 80’s I thought we had made progress. The aids crisis took us back to the dark ages. People were scared, our beautiful boys were dying and being blamed. We should never forget our history, or it will repeat itself. 


He / Him / They

Growing up in the humble milieu and in the ‘Valleys’ of South Wales, I’m now a young queer and antimilitarist activist based in London. The vehicle for my activism is prose and poetry, and it is for the enhancement of this end that I am currently in the process of founding the Melian Society. This activist collective will be seeking to challenge the normative social narrative that ‘the strong do what they can, and the week suffer what they must’ Being a Gen Z and a student as the LSE has also allowed me to explore queerness through a lens of academic rigour, since coming out in July of last year (2022).

Faizah Tahir

She / Her

I am Faizah, or FT as many refer to me. I’m an experienced professional in the financial services sector. I have dedicated my career to advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts. Possessing a bachelor’s degree in law, and a master’s degree in leadership and management. My dissertation on DE&I received the prestigious Executive Education Student of the Year award in 2019.

In the DE&I space, I focus on inspiring change, influencing others, and nurturing long-term relationships for successful collaborations. 

Beyond my professional life, I own a lovable Yorkie named Bubbles. I enjoy various music genres and languages, frequenting small gigs, concerts, and live bands. 

Simon Shipman

He / Him

I am Simon – a gay cis-man in my 60s living in London. I have been with my partner Chris for more than 40 years and we got married in 2018 on an Australian beach.  

When I was 20 I worked in the team that produced Framed Youth, a video documentary about our experience as young Lesbians and Gay Men dealing with prejudice. The unequal age of consent was a key issue for us. Framed Youth was broadcast on Channel 4 and won awards.

During the HIV/AIDS pandemic, I was a volunteer worker as a lead cook for Food Chain. Poor nutrition was a significant medical issue for people suffering from AIDS and we funded, prepared, cooked and delivered a tasty 3-course Sunday lunch to hundreds of clients every week.

In 2012 I led a team of volunteer stewards at the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. I encouraged diversity through this work by being a visible example myself and mentoring others. For the many visitors and athletes from around the world, this was a revelation and helped make the 2012 games one of the most inclusive ever.

Currently, I am coordinating an LGBTIQ+ tennis club in North London. After only 18 months we have well over a hundred members and host three sessions a week: Tennis For All

Sass (Sarah) Gatefield

She / Her

Sass (Sarah) Gatefield has been working in the visual effects (VFX) industry on award-winning films and TV shows for 10+ years. She has also worked in and built immersive technology (XR) startups and small businesses for 6+ years. She wishes to use creativity and technology for good by helping charities, non-profits, and social enterprises tell their stories. Reach out to her through LinkedIn or her website for videography, video editor, content creation, podcast setup and editing, marketing, VFX, or XR projects.

ProudHR is a community networking group for the Queer community and their allies working in HR. The founder and leader is the incredible Thomas Godden (He/Him) he is also a senior Manager at the Oakleaf Partnership, a market leading boutique HR recruitment consultancy. You will find Thomas and ProudHR on Linkedin. 

Sass (She / Her) wanted to create a womxn-first queer space inclusive of all the LGBTQIA+ communities after London did the same for her back in 2008: Lily’s Café and Bar is the result. Follow on Instagram @lilyscafeandbar